Creative games and thinking creates freedom in relation
to space: makes self-discovery and responsibility.
In art and with art I want to create my cornerposts in space.
I want to block myself off. I want to design my world, my
lenguage, my space.
By building my space, in space, I build myself.
By showing and realizing it, I realice myself - from myself.
Here I can find myself, as a human, again. Here I can mirror
myself and acknowledge myself.
Through my space in space I become human.
Through my space I experience time.
Building space and filling it costs a life.
I, human, must put down a sign, cornerposts of my space and
in my space.
I must know that I am. I must build myself.
I want to build towers. Art towers in the space.
A sign of myself in the space.
Art in space.
Art is space.
Artspace Spaceart.
Luh (Kassel, Enero de 2002)
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