the proyect  
  the virtual space  
  the artist  
    guest book  
  Wolfang Luh    [ the artist ]


A straight-rectangular prism…
: A circular, concentric space...
: A large passage full of people...
: A lot of people, or may be no one...

When Wolfgang Luh invited me to participate in his Project the virtual space, my first reaction - in order to understand his proposal – was to try to dimension, to quantify this space - perhaps it was my architectural de-formation and this natural obsesion to make order into the spatial labyrinth.

As a matter of fact, the scope issue has to do with the awareness – either individual and/or shared - we have when dealing with spaces. This is where the provocative and stimulating Luh´s approach dwells. There is no secluded space: we, each of us, create this space through our active/passive participation in the physical-artistic outcome.

In Buenos Aires, we all share this new ritual: guests and audience, we are part of the creation.

A great spiritual building, empty-full, horizontal-vertical… awesome soundness where the human being settles down to participate.

This idea of impressiveness also goes farther away from a matter of scale, or size: it
