the proyect  
  the virtual space  
  the artist  
    guest book  
  Wolfang Luh«s curriculum    [ the artist ]
  Selected single exhibitions and exhibition participation    

1991 - "INTEGRATA-Galerie", Frankfurt a.M
        - "Kunstverein Lübbecke", with the first 16 editions of the "Zeitschrift für Tiegel &            Tumult" (ZfT&T), presented in 16 bird cages, and with 16 works from the 16            "visual guests", Lübbecke (Idea, Realization, Organization and E.participation)
        - BBK-Landesausstellung, Frankfurt a.M. (E.participation)
1990 - "ART NÜRNBERG", international Art Fair, Nürnberg (E.participation)
        - Galerie Schüppenhauer", with the first 16 editions of "ZfT&T", presented in 16            bird cages, and with 16 works from the 16 "visual guests", Cologne (Idea,            Realization, Organization and E.participation)
        - "Galerie "P3", Tokio, Japan (E.participation) 1989 - "ART NÜRNBERG", Art Fair, Nürnberg (E.participation)
        - "Centre George Pompidou" (Salon du Livre), Paris, Frankreich (E.participation)
        - "INTEGRATA-Galerie", München
1988 - "Galerie am Basler Tor", Karlsruhe
1987 - "INTEGRATA-Galerie", Tübingen
        - Galerie "Léstampe", Strasbourg, Frankreich
        - "Intergrafik ´87", Berlin, ehem. DDR (E.participation)
1986 - "Kunst aus der Luft" (Action with 1000 oil paintings on 1000 balloons), Marburg (Idea, Realization, Organization)

