the proyect  
  the virtual space  
  the artist  
    guest book  
  Wolfang Luh«s curriculum    [ the artist ]
  Selected single exhibitions and exhibition participation    
2003 - "FISHES ARE FLYING IN THE FOREST" , "center Cultural Recoleta", Bs As, Arg.
2002 - "SPACEART - ARTSPACE" , "FADU - Universidad de Buenos Aires", Buenos Aires
2001 - "MY ALFABET", "center Cultural ;Borges", Bs. As.
        - "MYALFABET", "Museo de Arte Moderno", Mendoza, Argentina
        - "EL PUEBLO" ("THE PEOPLE"), "Museo del Períodismo", Guadalajara, México
2000 - "LANGUAGES OF BODIES", "Galería Roberto Martin", New York, U.S.A.
        - "ARTWALK", 5 exhibitions at the same time in Kassel (Okt.-Nov.)
        - "EL PUEBLO SE MEZCLA CON EL PUEBLO" (The people are mixing with the            people), Aquascalientes, México
        - "LANGUAGES OF BODIES", "GALERIAZUL", Guadalajara, México
        - "ART MIAMI 2000", represented by the "Galería Roberto Martin", MiamiBeach,
           U.S.A. (participation)
1999 - "LANGUAGES OF BODIES", "Galería Roberto Martin", Buenos Aires
        - "EL JUGUETE EN EL ARTE" (The game in the art), with 3,600 PEOPLE-citizens,            the only European artist beside the North and South American artists,            "fundación ANDREANI", Buenos Aires (participation)
        - "IINTIMATE AREA", 400 framed instant photos with aluminum construction and            toilet bowl, "Palais de Glace", Buenos Aires
        - "arte BA ´99", international Art Fair, Buenos Aires (e. participation)