the project  
  the virtual space  
  the artist  
    guest book  







The mass of small red plastic somreros flow around a light, unfinished wooden
pedestal like a river or a lake around a boulder. Like a great flood, the
mass flows around the wooden pedestal, floods it and takes it down with it.

In a constant fight, the two different materials will connect with each
other, but don’t make it.
Every day of the exhibit I will influence the red ”artflood” in its flowing
with a broom and always give it a new face.

The seventh center

is made in close cooperation with the argentinian architect and architecture
Professor Roberto R. Busnelli.
This last center consists of a regular wooden table with four chairs.
On the table are placed, on a game-board-like
table-cloth, 50 multicolored children’s wooden blocks.


At the table up to four interchangable, invited guests are able to sit.
During seven days at the exhibit they play with the wooden blocks and can
build one or more towers. Above the table a video camera is attached, which
during one week of the exhibition is constantly on and shows every change on
the table.
This video is broadcast live in the internet.
It’s planned, that at the same time in ten places in the world, other tables
are standing, each with four chairs and are watched by a video camera.

